One of my favourite things about Christmas is the songs and carols, so you can imagine my delight when I discovered that the Welsh language has not only its own versions of many of our popular English carols but also multiple songs of its own!
In this article, I’ve included the lyrics for all the Welsh Christmas songs and carols (carolau a chaneuon Nadolig Cymraeg) for which I was able to find a transcription. My aim is to add to this list as I discover more songs in the future. Mwynhewch! 🙂
Important: I have translated nearly all these songs myself as I was not able to find many English translations online. Since I am not a native Welsh speaker, there may be some errors. If you see something that needs correcting, please don’t hesitate to leave me a comment below so that I can update the article with the correct translation! Diolch!
Table of Contents
Nadolig, Pwy a Wyr?
Tawel Nos
Gŵyl y Baban
O! Deuwch, Ffyddloniaid
Dymunwn Nadolig Llawen
I Orwedd Mewn Preseb
O Dawel Ddinas Bethlehem
Nadolig Llawen i Chi i Gyd
Hen Hen Stori
Draw yn Ninas Dafydd Frenin
Pwy Sy’n Dwad Dros Y Bryn
Ar Gyfer Heddiw’r Bore
Nadolig, Pwy a Ŵyr? (Who Knows if This is Christmas?)
Written by Ryan Davies
Tinsel ar y goeden
Seren yn y nen
A doli fach yn eistedd
Mor ddel a’r frig y pren
Ai hyn yw Nadolig
Pwy a ŵyr?
Clychau Santa’n tincian
Dros yr eira man
A lleisiau plant yn uno
i ganu carol lân
Ai hyn yw Nadolig
Pwy a ŵyr?
Plant yn dawel dawel
Yn eu cwsg drwy’r oriau bach
A breuddwyd fwyn yn gofyn
A ddaw Santa gyda’i sach?
Daw tegannau lawer
A phwy a wyr o ble
A swn eu chwerthin hapus
A glywir dros y lle
Ai hyn yw’r Nadolig
Pwy a ŵyr?
Clychau eglwys fechan
A’i neges i’r holl fyd
Yn canu i’n atgoffa
fod baban yn ei grud
Neswch at y preseb,
plygwch yno’n llwyr.
Wrth weld y brenhinoedd a’r engyl
Nid oes rhaid gofyn, pawb a ŵyr.
Tinsel on the tree
Stars in the sky
And a little doll sitting
So prettily on the branch
Is this Christmas
Who knows?
Santa’s bells tinkling
Over the fine snow
And children’s voices unite
to sing a holy carol
Is this Christmas
Who knows?
Children so silent
Asleep through the small hours
And a sweet dream asking
Will Santa come with his sack?
Many toys come
From who knows where
And the sound of their happy laughter
Is heard all over the place
Is this Christmas
Who knows?
Small church bells
And her message to the whole world
Singing to remind us
That a baby is in his cradle
Approach the manger
Kneel on the ground
In the presence of kings and angels
There’s no need to ask, everyone knows.
Tawel Nos (Silent Night)
Composed by Franz Xaver Gruber
Tawel nos
Sanctaidd yw’r nos
Cwsg a gerdd
Waun a rhos
Eto’n effro
Mae Joseff a Mair
Faban annwyl
Ynghwsg yn y gwair
Cwsg mewn gwynfyd a hedd
Cwsg mewn gwynfyd a hedd.
Tawel nos
Sanctaidd yw’r nos
Wele fry
Seren dlos
Daw’r bugeiliaid
A’r doethion i’r drws
Faban annwyl
Yr wyt Ti mor dlws
Cwsg mewn gwynfyd a hedd
Cwsg mewn gwynfyd a hedd.
Tawel nos
Dros y byd
Sanctaidd nos
Gylch y crud
Gwylio’n dirion
Yr oedd addfwyn ddau
Faban Duw
Gyda’r llygaid bach cau,
Iesu Tywysog ein hedd
Iesu Tywysog ein hedd.
Sanctaidd nos
Gyda’i ser
Mantell fwyn
Cariad pêr
Mintai’r bugail
Yn dod i fwynhau
Baban Duw
Gyda’r llygaid bach cau
Crist, Tywysog ein hedd
Crist, Tywysog ein hedd
Tawel nos
Duw ei Hun
Ar y llawr
Gyda dyn
Cerddi’r engyl
A’r Ne’n trugarhau
Baban Duw
Gyda’r llygaid bach cau
Crist, Tywysog ein hedd
Crist, Tywysog ein hedd
Silent night
Holy night
Sleep and song
Heath and moor
Still awake
Are Joseph and Mary
Dear baby
Sleeping in the hay
Sleep in bliss and peace
Sleep in bliss and peace
Silent night
Holy night
A pretty star
The shepherds
And wise men come to the door
Dear baby
You are so lovely
Sleep in bliss and peace
Sleep in bliss and peace
Silent night
Across the world
Holy night
The cradle circle
Watching tenderly
Were the gentle two
Son of God
With small closed eyes
Jesus the Prince of peace
Jesus the Prince of peace
Holy night
With its stars
A gentle mantle
Sweet love
Shepherd’s Minstrel
Comes to enjoy
Son of God
With the small closed eyes
Christ the Prince of peace
Christ the Prince of peace
Silent night
God Himself
On the ground
With a man
A poem is sung
And the merciful Heaven
Son of God
With the small closed eyes
Christ the Prince of peace
Christ the Prince of peace
Gŵyl y Baban (The Baby’s Festival)
Written by Caryl Parry Jones
Dewch at eich gilydd
A bloeddiwch ynghyd
Fel un “Haleliwia!”
Gwyrth a rhyfeddod
Y seren fawr glir
Yn arwain yr heol i ni.
At breseb y baban
Y plentyn bach tirion
A ddaeth yn Waredwr
I ti ac i mi?
Yno’n gorwedd
Mewn cadachau tlawd
Yno’n cysgu yn drwm
Babi bychan
Yn frenin, yn frawd
Yn gyfoeth mewn stabal llwm
Daeth Gŵyl y Baban
 gwên ‘nôl i’r byd
Deuwch, cenwch, clodforwch
Dewch at eich gilydd
A bloeddiwch ynghyd
Fel un “Haleliwia!”
Tri o’r Dwyrain
Yn plygu eu glin
A’u hoffrwm i’r babi yn ddrud
Ond O! Dyma offrwm i ni
Gan y babi
Yr offrwm o heddwch i’r byd
Noson o ddüwch
Ym Methlehem dref
Dwy fil o flynyddoedd yn ôl
A ninnau heddiw
Yn dathlu ynghyd
Y cariad adawodd y babi ar ôl.
Come together
And shout together
In unison “Hallelujah!”
Miracle and wonder
The big clear star
Showing us the road.
To the baby’s manger
The gentle little child
Did the Saviour come
To you and to me?
There lying
In poor swaddling clothes
There sleeping heavily
A small baby
King and brother
Rich in bleak stable
The Baby’s Festival came
With a smile for the world
Come, sing, praise
Come together
And shout together
In unison “Hallelujah!”
Three from the East
Bend their knees
And their offerings to the baby are expensive
But oh! Here is the offering to us
From the baby
The offering of peace to the world
A night of darkness
In Bethlehem town
Two thousand years ago
And we are today
Celebrating together
The love the baby left behind.
O! Deuwch, ffyddloniaid (O come, all ye faithful)
O! Deuwch, ffyddloniaid
Oll dan orfoleddu
O! Deuwch, O! deuwch
I Fethlehem dref
Wele, fe anwyd
Brenin yr angylion
O! Deuwch ac addolwn (3x)
Grist o’r nef!
O! Cenwch, angylion
Cenwch, gorfoleddwch
O! Cenwch, chwi holl
Ddinasyddion y nef
Cenwch “Gogoniant
i Dduw yn y goruchaf!”
O! Deuwch ac addolwn (3x)
Grist o’r nef!
Henffych, ein Ceidwad
Henffych well i’t heddiw
Gogoniant i’th enw
Trwy’r ddaear a’r nef
Gair y Tragwyddol
Yma’n ddyn ymddengys
O! Deuwch ac addolwn (3X)
Grist o’r nef!
O come all ye faithful
All rejoice
O come, O come
To Bethlehem town
Behold, he is born
King of the angels
O, come and worship (3x)
Christ from heaven!
O, sing, angels
Sing, rejoice
O, sing, all of you
Citizens of heaven
Sing “Glory to God
in the supreme!”
O, come and worship (3x)
Christ from heaven!
Hail, our Saviour
Hail better today
Glory to your name
Through the earth and heaven
The Word of the Eternal
Here he appears as a man
O, come and worship (3x)
Christ from heaven!
Dymunwn Nadolig Llawen (We Wish you a Merry Christmas)
Dymunwn Nadolig Llawen
Dymunwn Nadolig Llawen
Dymunwn Nadolig Llawen
a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Llawenydd i chi
a phawb yn y tŷ
Dymunwn Nadolig Llawen
a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Joy to you
and everyone in the house
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
I Orwedd Mewn Preseb (Away in a Manger)
I orwedd mewn preseb
Rhoed Crëwr y byd
Nid oedd ar ei gyfer
Na gwely na chrud
Y sêr oedd yn syllu
Ar dlws faban Mair
yn cysgu yn dawel
Ar wely o wair
A’r gwartheg yn brefu
y baban ddeffroes
Nid ofnodd, cans gwyddai
Na phrofai un loes
Rwyf, Iesu, ‘n dy garu
O edrych i lawr
A saf wrth fy ngwely
Nes dyfod y wawr
Tyrd, Iesu, i’m hymyl
Ac aros o hyd
I’m caru a’m gwylio
Tra bwyf yn y byd
Bendithia blant bychain
Pob gwlad a phob iaith
a dwg ni i’th gwmni
Ar derfyn ein taith
The Creator of the world
Was laid in a manger
It wasn’t for him
No bed or cradle
The stars were watching
Mary’s lovely baby
Sleeping silently
In a bed of hay
The cattle are lowing
The baby awakes
He was not afraid, for he knew
He would not experience pain
I love you Jesus
O, look down
And stand by my bed
Until the dawn comes
Come, Jesus, beside me
And stay with me still
To love me and watch me
While I am in the world
Bless all the small children
Every country and every language
And bring us in your company
At the end of our journey
O Dawel Ddinas Bethlehem (O Little Town of Bethlehem)
O dawel ddinas Bethlehem,
O dan dy sêr di-ri’
Ac awel fwyn Jwdea’n dwyn
Ei miwsig atat ti
Daw heno seren newydd, dlos
I wenu uwch dy ben
A chlywir cân angylion glân
Yn llifo drwy y nen.
O dawel ddinas Bethlehem
Bugeiliaid heno ddaw
Dros bant a bryn at breseb syn
Oddi ar y meysydd draw
A chwilio wnânt am faban bach
Sy’n dod yn Geidwad dyn
Yn obaith byw i ddynol-ryw
Y Bugail da ei hun.
O dawel ddinas Bethlehem,
Pwy heno ynot sydd?
Pa ddieithr wawr sy’n dod i lawr
Pa ryw dragwyddol ddydd?
Os cysgu’n dawel heno ‘rwyt
Daw golau penna’r nef
I’r ogof laith i ddechrau’r daith
Gogoniant iddo ef!
O quiet city of Bethlehem
Under your countless stars
And the gentle breeze of Judea
Brings his music to you
Tonight a lovely new star comes
To shine above your head
And the song of holy angels is heard flowing through the sky
O quiet city of Bethlehem
Shepherd will come tonight
Over a hollow and hill to an astonishing manger
Away from the fields beyond
And they look for a baby
Who becomes the Saviour of man
A living hope for mankind
The good Shepherd himself.
O quiet city of Bethlehem
Who is in you tonight?
What strange dawn is coming down
What kind of eternal day?
If you are sleeping quietly tonight
The chief light of heaven will come
To the dank cave to begin the journey
Glory to him!
Nadolig Llawen i Chi i Gyd (Merry Christmas to You All)
Written by Caryl Parry Jones
Brysiwch lawr y grisiau
Syllwch ar bresantau
Beic mawr coch ac aur
Doli ddel i Mair.
Teulu a pherthnasau
A ffrindiau i gyd yn cwrdd
Mae’r twrci leni’n werth ei weld
Eisteddwch wrth y bwrdd.
Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd
I deulu mawr y byd
Ynghanol sŵn y dathlu
A oes na le i’r Iesu
Neu ydi’r llety’n llawn o hyd?
Brysiwch at ei breseb
Sylwch ar ei wyneb
Yn y gwely gwair
Iesu faban Mair
Doethion a bugeiliaid
Yn addoli yno ynghyd
Gadewch i ninnau fynd i’w weld
A sefyll wrth ei grud
Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd
I deulu mawr y byd
Ynghanol sŵn y dathlu
A oes na le i’r Iesu
Neu ydi’r llety’n llawn o hyd?
Hurry down the stairs
Gaze at the presents
A big red and gold bike
A pretty doll for Mary.
All the family and relatives
And friends meet
The turkey this year is worth seeing
Sit down at the table.
Merry Christmas to you all
To big families of the world
Amidst the noise of the celebration
Is there room for Jesus?
Or is the accommodation still full?
Hurry to his manger
Notice his face
In the hay bed
Jesus, son of Mary
Wisemen and shepherds
Worshiping there together
Let us go and see it
And stand by his cradle
Merry Christmas to you all
To big families of the world
Amidst the noise of the celebration
Is there room for Jesus?
Or is the accommodation still full?
Hen Hen Stori (Old Old Story)
Seren wen uwch ben y byd
Baban annwyl yn ei grud
Mwyn fugeiliaid ar y rhos
Gwylio’u praidd yn nhrymder nos
Golau’n gylch o entrych Nef
Oenig bychan yn rhoi bref
Engyl glân a’u cân yn un
“Ganwyd heddiw Geidwad dyn”
Dewch, gwrandewch yr hen hen stori
Iesu Grist, ddaeth i’n gwaredu
Dewch a chenwch am y trysor drud
Yn y gwair, Faban Mair
Gwaredwr byd
Pwy yw’r rhain o’r Dwyrain sydd
Ar y ffordd yn hwyr y dydd?Doethion dri yn holi’n daer
Pa le ganwyd Mab y Saer?
Seren wen uwch ben y byd
Rho dy lewyrch i ni gyd
Awn yn llu i’r llety gwael
I groesawu’n Prynwr hael
Dewch, gwrandewch yr hen hen stori
Iesu Grist, ddaeth i’n gwaredu
Dewch a chenwch am y trysor drud
Yn y gwair, Faban Mair
Gwaredwr byd.
A white star above the world
A dear baby in his cradle
Shepherds on the moor
Watching their flock in the heaviness of night
Light in the ring of Heaven
A small lamb giving a bleat
A holy angel and his song
“Born today is the Saviour of man”
Come, listen to the old old story
Jesus Christ, came to save us
Come and sing for the expensive treasure
In the hay, Mary’s Baby
Saviour of the world
Who are these from the East
Who are on the way late in the day?
Three wise men inquired fervertly
Where was the Son of the carpenter born?
A white star above the world
Give us all the prosperity
Let’s go to the poor accommodation
To welcome our generous Redeemer
Come, listen to the old old story
Jesus Christ, came to save us
Come and sing for the expensive treasure
In the hay, Mary’s Baby
Saviour of the world
Draw yn Ninas Dafydd Frenin (Once in Royal David’s City)
Draw yn ninas Dafydd Frenin
Yn y beudy, isel, gwael
Dodai mam un bach mewn preseb
Nid oedd llety gwell i’w gael
Mair fendigaid oedd y gam
Iesu’r plentyn bach di-nam.
Rhodio daear lawr a fynnai
Yntau’r Dduw ac Arglwydd nef
Dim ond llety’r ych yn gysgod
Gwely gwair a gafodd ef
Daeth i lawr o fynwes Duw
Heddiw’n Frawd i ddynol-ryw.
Drwy’i ryfeddol rawd yn blentyn
Ufudd fu i’w dad a’i fam
Carai’r hon a’i gwyliai’n dirion
A’i amddiffyn rhag pob cam
Dylai plant pob gwlad a thref
Fod yn ufudd fel bu ef.
Nid ym mhreseb yr anifail
Y ceir eto’i weled ef
Ond yn eistedd mewn awdurdod
Ar ei orsedd yn y nef
Cyd-ddyrchafwn ninnau gân
O fawr glod i’w enw glân.
Over in the city of David
In the cowshed, low, poor
A mother put a little one in a manger
There was no better accommodation
Blessed Mary was the sin
Jesus the blameless child.
He came down to earth
He is God and Lord of heaven
Only the ox’s lodging shelters
the hay bed he received
He came down from God’s bosom
Today he is a Brother to mankind.
Throughout his wondrous childhood, he was obedient to his father and mother
He loved her and watched her gently
And protected her from every sin
Children of every country and town should
Be as obedient as he was.
Not in the animal’s manger
Will he be seen again
But sitting in authority
On his throne in heaven
We exalt him together in song
in great praise of his holy name.
Pwy Sy’n Dwad Dros y Bryn (Who’s coming over the hill)
Pwy sy’n dwad dros y bryn,
yn ddistaw, ddistaw bach?
Ei farf yn llais, a’i wallt yn wyn,
â rhywbeth yn ei sach.
A phwy sy’n eistedd ar y tô,
ar bwys y simdde fawr?
Siôn Corn, Siôn Corn. Helo, helo.
Tyrd yma, tyrd i lawr
Mae saith rhyfeddod yn dy sach,
gad i mi weled un?
a rho ryw drysor bychan bach
yn enw Mab y Dyn.
Mae’r gwynt yn oer ar frig y tô,
mae yma disgwyl mawr.
Siôn Corn, Siôn Corn. Helo, helo.
Tyrd yma, tyrd i lawr
Who is coming over the hill
very very quietly?
His beard is full, and his hair is white
with something in his sack.
And who is sitting on the roof
next to the big chimney?
Father Christmas, father Christmas. Hello, hello
Come here, come on down
There are seven wonders in your sack,
May I see one?
And put a little treasure
in the name of the Son of Man.
The wind is cold on the peak of the roof,
there’s a large expectation here
Father Christmas, father Christmas. Hello, hello
Come here, come on down
Ar Gyfer Heddiw’r Bore
Source of lyrics and translation: Richard B Gillion
Ar gyfer heddiw’r bore
‘n faban bach, faban bach,
Y ganwyd gwreiddyn Iesse
‘n faban bach;
Y Cadarn ddaeth o Bosra,
Y Deddfwr gynt ar Seina,
Yr Iawn gaed ar Galfaria
‘n faban bach, faban bach,
Yn sugno bron Maria
‘n faban bach.
Caed bywiol ddŵfr Eseciel
ar lin Mair, ar lin Mair,
A gwir Feseia Daniel
ar lin Mair;
Caed bachgen doeth Eseia,
‘R addewid roed i Adda,
Yr Alffa a’r Omega
ar lin Mair, ar lin Mair;
Mewn côr ym Meth’lem Jiwda,
ar lin Mair.
Diosgodd Crist o’i goron,
o’i wirfodd, o’i wirfodd,
Er mwyn coroni Seion,
o’i wirfodd;
I blygu’i ben dihalog
O dan y goron ddreiniog
I ddioddef dirmyg llidiog,
o’i wirfodd, o’i wirfodd,
Er codi pen yr euog,
o’i wirfodd.
Am hyn, bechadur, brysia,
fel yr wyt, fel yr wyt,
I ‘mofyn am dy Noddfa,
fel yr wyt
I ti’r agorwyd ffynnon
A ylch dy glwyfau duon
Fel eira gwyn yn Salmon,
fel yr wyt, fel yr wyt,
Gan hynny, tyrd yn brydlon,
fel yr wyt.
For the sake of this very morning
As a little baby, a little baby
Was born the root of Jesse
As a little baby;
The Strong one who came from Bosra,
The Lawmaker of old on Sinai,
The Redemption to be had on Calvary
As a little baby, a little Baby,
Suckling the breast of Mary,
As a little Baby.
The life-giving water of Ezekiel is found
On Mary’s knee, on Mary’s knee,
And the true Messiah of Daniel
On Mary’s knee;
Here is the wise boychild of Isaiah,
The promise made to Adam,
The Alpha and Omega
On Mary’s knee, on Mary’s knee;
In the stall in Beth’lem of Judah,
On Mary’s knee.
Christ took off his crown,
Of his free-will, of his free-will,
In order to crown Zion,
Of his free-will;
To bow his undefiled head
Under the thorny crown
To suffer enraged derision,
Of his free-will, of his free-will,
To raise the head of the guilty,
Of his free-will.
Therefore, sinner, hurry,
As thou art, as thou art,
To ask for his Sanctuary,
As thou art;
For thee the well was opened
Which washes thy black wounds
Like the white snow on Salmon,
As thou art, as thou art,
For that, come promptly,
As thou art.
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