Welsh Word of the Day: Gobaith (hope)

The English translation for gobaith is hope. Gobaith means that you want something to happen or to be true, or if you have a positive expectation for the future. gobaith To hope translates to gobeithio. In north Wales, it’s quite common to hear someone use the shortened and quick beithio, and in south Wales, beitho. …

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Welsh Word of the Day: Llefrith / Llaeth (milk)

The Welsh word for ‘milk’ in Welsh is llefrith or llaeth. Generally speaking, llefrith is used more in North Wales whereas llaeth is used more in South Wales. However, saying that, there are also some regional variations, depending where you are in the country. llefrith llaeth For example, in Bala, North Wales, people generally use …

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Welsh Word of the Day: Cacen (cake)

Cacen is the Welsh word for cake, and in the south Wales dialect, you can also use teisen. Additionally, teisen is heard in some parts of north Wales, particularly on Ynys Môn – the Isle of Anglesey. In certain areas of north Wales, especially in the west and parts of Conwy county, variations like cacan …

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Welsh Word of the Day: Hydref (autumn / October)

Hydref has two meanings in Welsh: the season of Autumn and the month of October. To differentiate between the two, a lowercase ‘h’ is used for the season, and an uppercase ‘H’ is used for the month. Hydref, referring to Autumn, is viewed as the season between summer and winter, spanning through September, October, and …

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Welsh Word of the Day: Tachwedd (November)

We’re almost at the end of another November, so what better time to talk about this common word?

The Welsh word for ‘November’ is ‘Tachwedd, which is the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar. Gweiadur states that the original definition of ‘Tachwedd’ was probably ‘Tynnu tua’r diwedd’, which means the end is near, i.e. the end of the year.




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Welsh Word of the Day: Lleuad / Lloer (moon)

Today’s word of the day is lleuad (North Wales dialect), or lloer (South Wales dialect / literary form) which translates to ‘moon’ in English or ‘luna’ in Latin, the natural satellite that is approximately 238,000 miles away from earth.

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How to Say “Rain” in Welsh – Glaw

One notable feature associated with Wales, in addition to its rugby team and male voice choirs, is its unpredictable climate. A day can commence with bright sunshine and warmth, only to swiftly shift into a blustery, rain-soaked tempest. It’s one of the reasons we love living here – you never know what to expect!

Today we will be focusing on the weather phenomenon that gives Wales its luscious green hills: the rain, or glaw in Welsh. It is a masculine noun that is usually uncountable, although the plural forms glawiau or glawogydd do exist.

welsh word for rain is glaw

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How to Say “Owl” in Welsh – Tylluan

welsh word tylluan

The Welsh word for owl is tylluan and the plural is tylluanod. This word is used across Wales in all dialects.


Owl – Owls

The word makes its earliest appearance in the Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (the White Book of Rhydderch), a significant 14th-century manuscript that holds a collection of Welsh legends known as the Mabinogi.

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