Welsh Word of the Day: Pensel (pencil)

There was once a time when we all relied on pencils for jotting down notes and lists. However, with the rise of smartphones and computers, pencils have shifted from being essential writing tools to more of a go-to for sketching and drawing. In Welsh, the word for this stalwart tool is pensel.


Note: You may come across both pensel and pensil in different dictionaries. For example, GPC prefers pensil, while Geiriadur yr Academi favors pensel.

There is little mystery about the origin of pensel – it derives directly from the English pencil, which in turn comes from the Old French pincel, a diminutive of the Latin peniculus (“brush”). It is a feminine noun, so it mutates to bensel after the definite article y (the).

According to Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, it has multiple plural forms: pensiliau, pensilion, penseli, penselau, and penselydd. The most common is considered pensiliau, however. Here is how it mutates:

Soft mutation

Nasal mutation

Aspirate mutation

Sharpening a pencil with a naddwr/miniwr/hogwr (sharpener) allows you to create a fine min (point), but you’ll also produce lots of naddion (shavings)—something I used to collect in my blwch penseli (pencil case) and desg (desk) as a child, much to the chagrin of my teachers!

Making a camgymeriad (mistake) with a pencil isn’t a problem so long as you have a rwber (eraser), but if you happen to be using its permanent sibling—y pen (the pen)—that’s a completely different story!

Where is my pencil?

Here are a few verbs you’ll often see used with pensel:

  • hogi / miniogi pensel = to sharpen a pencil
  • rhoi/gwneud blaen/min ar bensel = to sharpen a pencil
  • ysgrifennu rhywbeth mewn pensel = to write something with a pencil
  • rhoi rhywbeth i mewn â phensel = to pencil something in
  • torri pensel = to break a pencil
  • tynnu llun gyda phensel = to draw a picture with a pencil
  • marcio rhywbeth â phensel = to mark with a pencil

If you want to say that you are writing something in pencil or with a pencil, you can use a number of different expressions: â phenselmewn pensel, gyda phensel, or efo pensel.

I write with a pencil.

coloured pencil or pencil crayon is known, quite simply, as a pensel lliw.

My preferred type of pencil is the pensel droi, a mechanical pencil whose plwm (lead) can be replaced.

Colour pencils on desk

The word pensel in Welsh has another, less commonly known meaning as well. While it may typically refer to a pencil, pensel can also mean a small flag or standard according to Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, or even figuratively represent a chief, prince, or ruler. Despite being a homonym, these two meanings share no connection in origin or definition whatsoever.

About The Author

Heather is passionate about everything language-related. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, she holds a TEFL certification from Aberystwyth University and a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics from the University of Western Ontario. Along with her native English, she speaks Italian, Welsh, and a smattering of Japanese and French.