Ah, Cardiff – the capital of Wales and its largest city. Located at the southern end of the country, it is the home of the National Assembly for Wales, most cultural institutions, the Welsh media and a fantastic castle. What’s not to love?
The name for Cardiff in Welsh is Caerdydd. It derives from the older Welsh form Caerdyf which is a combination of caer (fort) and dyf (a form of Taf as in the River Taff).
Mae Caerdydd yn ddinas ddiogel ond gyffrous.
Cardiff is a safe yet exciting city.
Here is a short video that shows you how to pronounce Caerdydd correctly:
Because it starts with the letter C, the pronunciation of the name can change depending on where it appears in a sentence.
For example, if it is preceded by a preposition such as am (for/about) or i (to), the C will soft-mutate to a G.
Beth wyt ti’n ei wybod am Gaerdydd?
What do you know about Cardiff?
Wyt ti’n mynd i Gaerdydd yfory?
Are you going to Cardiff tomorrow?
If it follows the particle yn (in), the C will assume the nasal mutation NGH.
Dw i wedi byw yng Nghaerdydd ers blynyddoedd.
I’ve lived in Cardiff for years.
And if it follows the words a (and) or gyda / â (with), the C will undergo an aspirate mutation, becoming CH.
Bydd y gwasanaeth bws rhwng Aberystwyth a Chaerdydd yn ailddechrau ddiwedd y mis.
The bus service between Aberystwyth and Cardiff will resume at the end of the month.
Ydych chi’n gyfarwydd â Chaerdydd?
Are you familiar with Cardiff?
Below you can listen to a song entitled Caerdydd by the Welsh singer Fflur Dafydd. The lyrics are included so that you can sing along!