The Welsh way of saying Happy Birthday is Pen blwydd Hapus or Pen-blwydd Hapus. You may also see it spelt (incorrectly) as Penblwydd Hapus.
Pen-blwydd hapus i ti! – Diolch!
Happy birthday to you! – Thanks!
Listen to the sound clip in the video below for the correct pronunciation!
The word pen-blywdd (birthday) is made up of two words: pen (head, end, chief, top) and blwydd (year). The plural is pen-blwyddi.
A more formal way of saying Happy Birthday is as follows:
Dymuniadau gorau ar ben dy flwydd!
Dynumiadau gorau ar dy ben-blwydd!
Best wishes for a happy birthday!

If you want to specify the age of the person, you can simply add the following after Pen-blywdd Hapus: yn + [number] + oed.
Pen-blwydd Hapus yn 50 oed!
Happy 50th birthday!
You may also hear or see the following expressions written in birthday cards:
- Boed i chi gael pen-blwydd hapus iawn a llawer ohonynt. = Many happy returns on your birthday!
- Boed i’ch holl ddymuniadau ddod yn wir! = May all your wishes come true!
- Gobeithio cei ddiwrnod bendigedig! / Mwynha dy ddiwrnod! = Have a great day!
- Chwytha’r canhwyllau allan! = Blow out the candles!
- Gwna ddymuniad! = Make a wish!
Below is the Happy Birthday song translated into Welsh. The melody is exactly the same as the English equivalent.
Pen-blwydd hapus i ti,
Pen-blywdd hapus i ti,
Pen-blwydd hapus i [name],
Pen-blwydd hapus i ti!
And let’s not forget to mention all the Welsh birthday vocabulary you can use when planning a party!
- balŵn / balwnau or balŵns = balloon / balloons
- anrheg / anrhegion = present / presents
- parti / partïon or partis = party / parties
- addurniad / addurniadau = decorations
- cacen / cacennau = cake / cakes
- teisen / teisennau = cake / cakes
- cannwyll / canhwyllau = candle / candles
- cerdyn / cardiau = card / cards
- gêm / gemau = game / games
- het / hetiau = hat / hats
- hwyl = fun