10 Reasons You Should Learn Welsh in 2025

Learning Welsh or Cymraeg in this era has become remarkably accessible, thanks to numerous Welsh language courses and apps designed for all age groups. There are various compelling reasons to learn Welsh, and it holds greater significance than ever, especially considering the Welsh Government’s ambitious goal to have a million people proficient in Welsh by 2050.

So, why should you learn this unique Celtic language in 2025?

To integrate into the community

For those who have recently relocated to Wales or a predominantly Welsh-speaking area, learning the Welsh language can facilitate connections with other Welsh speakers in the local community. It not only demonstrates your willingness to integrate but also reflects your respect for the language.

To help your children with their school work

If you’ve enrolled your child in a Welsh medium school, it’s likely that all their homework is conducted in Welsh. However, even the most proficient students may require assistance from time to time, and the same goes for them if they encounter challenges with a particular word or phrase.

More work opportunities

When applying for specific jobs, acquiring proficiency in Welsh can provide a distinct advantage over other candidates vying for the same role. In sectors like education, agriculture, tourism, law, finance, or media, Welsh language skills may not just be beneficial but could be deemed absolutely essential for the position you’re seeking.

Group of students studying foreign language together at table in library

To gain a new hobby

Are you someone who tends to get easily bored and is on the lookout for new hobbies? How about joining the over 1.62 million people who were learning Welsh through Duolingo, according to a study conducted in 2021? (Note: The number of Welsh language learners on Duolingo might have changed since then.)

To keep the longest-spoken language of Britain alive in our communities

Historians have uncovered evidence that Welsh poets were already crafting verses as early as the fifth century. Joining the effort to keep the language alive and thriving holds particular significance, especially considering the enduring challenges Welsh has faced over the years and the determined efforts people have made to ensure its survival.

Beneficial for your health

Embarking on the journey of learning another language can not only broaden your linguistic horizons but also enhance your cognitive abilities. It has been shown to improve concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, bilingual individuals often exhibit increased creativity, flexibility, and open-mindedness. With these health benefits in mind, it would be unwise not to give it a try!

Online lesson remotely, enjoy listening to music, learn language with devices. Glad arab female in headphones typing message on smartphone, watch funny video in armchair in living room interior

Further health benefits

In addition to the mentioned advantages, research indicates that being bilingual can contribute to delaying the onset of symptoms related to Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. As these conditions become more prevalent due to population growth and aging, learning Welsh could be a proactive measure to potentially deter their impact.

To improve self-confidence

Having the ability to switch confidently between languages not only enhances individual communication skills but also instills a sense of self-confidence and pride. Such linguistic versatility also impresses people who don’t speak more than one language – talk about a good party trick!

It gives you a strong sense of identity and belonging

Welsh pride in identity and roots is deeply ingrained, evident in spirited displays during events like football or rugby matches. If you aspire to become part of this extended family, don’t hesitate to dive into the language and embrace the cultural connection it offers.

woman learning language

To broaden your horizons

Embarking on the journey of learning a new language, such as Cymraeg, opens the door to new experiences and opportunities to acquire fresh skills. It provides a unique perspective on the world around you, fostering a deeper understanding of diverse viewpoints and allowing you to immerse yourself in a different culture. What could be more wonderful than that?

About The Author

Heather is passionate about everything language-related. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, she holds a TEFL certification from Aberystwyth University and a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics from the University of Western Ontario. Along with her native English, she speaks Italian, Welsh, and a smattering of Japanese and French.