How to Say “No Problem!” in Welsh

When someone thanks you for doing them a favour, a very useful Welsh phrase you can use in the place of Croeso! (You’re welcome) is the casual “Dim problem!” which translates as “No problem!

Diolch am fy helpu heddiw. – Dim problem!

Thanks for helping me today. – No problem!

Adding on o gwbl (meaning at all) gives extra emphasis to the phrase.

Diolch am ddod draw. – Dim problem o gwbl!

Thanks for coming by. – No problem at all!

Some other useful phrases with the word problem include:

  • Does dim problem. = There’s no problem.
  • Does ‘na ddim problem. = There’s no problem.
  • Dyw hi ddim yn broblem. = It’s not a problem.
  • Dydy hi ddim yn broblem. = It’s not a problem.
Hand, closeup and thumbs up by black woman showing yes

About The Author

Heather is passionate about everything language-related. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, she holds a TEFL certification from Aberystwyth University and a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics from the University of Western Ontario. Along with her native English, she speaks Italian, Welsh, and a smattering of Japanese and French.