When you first embark on your Welsh language journey, one of the very first things you will learn how to say is the phrase “good morning“.
Good morning in Welsh is, quite simply, bore da. Bore means morning and da means good, so you are literally saying Morning good! You can hear how it is pronounced by watching the helpful video below.
Bore da, Mr. Lewis! Dach chi’n iawn?
Good morning, Mr. Lewis. Are you well?
If you have young children who are also learning Welsh, why not try singing along to this simple song with them. The tune is the same as the classic song Skip to My Lou and the lyrics are as follows:
Bore da ffrindiau
Sut wyt ti?
Bore da ffrindiau
Sut wyt ti?
Bore da ffrindiau
Sut wyt ti?
Da iawn, diolch.
Good morning friends
How are you?
Good morning friends
How are you?
Good morning friends
How are you?
I’m fine, thanks.